с. reassurance, relief, calming, quieting;
для ~я (нервов) for the sake of one`s peace of mind
ср. 1) (действие) calming, quieting, soothing
для успокоения совести — to soothe/salve one's conscience; for conscience' sake
2) (состояние) calm, quiet
с. reassurance, relief, calming, quieting;
для ~я (нервов) for the sake of one`s peace of mind
ср. 1) (действие) calming, quieting, soothing
для успокоения совести — to soothe/salve one's conscience; for conscience' sake
2) (состояние) calm, quiet
Русско-Английский словарь общей тематики. Russian-English dictionary of general subjects. 2012