Англо-русский перевод TUBE

1. труба, трубка || обсаживать скважину трубами общего назначения 2. спуск насосно-компрессорных труб в скважину to tube the well — оснащать скважину насосно-компрессорными трубами - air tube - aluminum inner tube - annular tube - ascending tube - bailing tube - basket tube - bended tube - bracing tube - branch tube - bulged tube - cartrige tube - cold-drawn tube - connector tube - conventional steel inner tube - converging tube - core recovery tube - core tube - culture tube - cutting outflow tube - diamond pickup tube - draft tube - drill tube - drive tube - etch tube - filler tube - filling tube - flared-up tube - flow tube - fractional distillation tube - fuel tube - gage tube - gas sampling tube - glass culture tube - hot-rolled tube - inner riser tube - inner tube - liner tube - measuring tube - outer tube - outside tube - pear-shaped tube - press tube - rigid double tube - rubber tube - sampler tube - sargent tube - seamless tube - sediment tube - single tube - sleeve tube - sleeved injection tube - slip tube - softening point tube - soil-sampling tube - solid tube - sound tube - split inner tube - tank breather tube - telescoping tube - test tube - triple tube - U-tube - vapor delivery tube - vent tube - water-infusion tube - weldless tube - well tube

ВНИИГАЗ, РАО ГАЗПРОМ. Big English-Russian dictionary of oil and gas.      Большой Англо-Русский словарь по нефти и газу.