Англо-русский перевод TUBE

1) труба; трубка, эл. тж баллон

2) патрубок

3) магистраль ( гидро- или пневмосистемы )

4) туннель

5) англ. метро(политен)

6) резин. камера ( шины или рукава )

7) резин. шприцевать трубчатую заготовку

8) фарфоровая втулка ( во внутренней проводке )

9) футляр, гильза ( сухого элемента )

10) эл. вентиль

11) лампа с продолговатой колбой

12) электровакуумный прибор

13) (электронная) лампа

14) электронно-лучевой прибор, ЭЛП

15) электронно-лучевая трубка, ЭЛТ

16) тубус ( объектива )

17) лупа ( напр. визирная )

18) губа, тюбик

19) тара рукав ( материала )

- acorn tube

- afterglow tube

- air tube

- airspeed tube

- aligned-grid tube

- all-metal tube

- all-rubber tube

- amplification tube

- annular tubes

- attenuator tube

- augmentor tube

- backward-wave tube

- ballast tube

- bantam tube

- Barkhausen-Kurz tube

- Barkhausen tube

- barometer tube

- bead tube

- beam tube

- beam-deflection selector tube

- beam-indexing tube

- beam-power tube

- beam-storage tube

- beam-switching tube

- bipotential cathode-ray tube

- bipotential tube

- black-and-white picture tube

- blast tube

- blind-end tube

- blocking tube

- boiling tube

- bottom-guide tube

- Bourdon tube

- branch tube

- Braun tube

- bridge wall tubes

- bubble tube

- butt-ended tube

- calandria tube

- calming tube

- camera tube

- casing tube

- casting tube

- cathode-ray memory tube

- cathode-ray tube

- cell-type tube

- center air tube

- charge-storage tube

- choke tube

- Christophorsen tube

- chromatron tube

- cigarette tube

- clad tube

- clean tube

- cloth-inserted tube

- coiled tubes

- cold-cathode tube

- collapsible tube

- color cathode-ray tube

- color picture tube

- concentric draft tube

- contactor tube

- contact tube

- continuous tube

- convergent short tube

- convergent tube

- converging tube

- convoluted tube

- corona-discharge tube

- corona tube

- counter tube

- cracking tube

- crossed-field tube

- crossover tube

- cutting oxygen tube

- damper tube

- dark-trace tube

- decade counter tube

- delta gun shadow mask tube

- density-modulated tube

- detonator tube

- dipper tube

- direct viewing tube

- direct view tube

- directional-beam X-ray tube

- direct-viewing storage tube

- direct-view storage tube

- discharge tube

- display storage tube

- display tube

- dissector tube

- distillation tube

- diverging tube

- double-gun cathode-ray tube

- double-walled tube

- draft tube

- drainage tube

- drain tube

- drawdown tube

- dredging tube

- drying tube

- elbow-type draft tube

- elbow draft tube

- electrical-signal storage tube

- electric-signal storage tube

- electrode cooling tube

- electrometer tube

- electron-beam tube

- electronic tube

- electron-multiplier tube

- electrostatic memory tube

- emulsion tube

- end-window counter tube

- erect image focusing tube

- evaporating tube

- exhaust tube

- extension tube

- externally quenched counter tube

- fabric tube

- Faraday tube

- fast-screen cathode-rat tube

- feeder tube

- fence tube

- filler tube

- fire tube

- flame tube

- flange tube

- flared-type draft tube

- flash tube

- flat tube

- flat-ended tube

- flat-faced tube

- flat-screen tube

- flexible metal tube

- flow tube

- fluorescent tube

- fluted tube

- flux-feed tube

- flux tube

- flying spot scanning tube

- focusing tube

- fractional distillating tube

- fuel tube

- fuel-element charging tube

- fuel-element discharge tube

- fuel-element transfer tube

- fuel-port tube

- furnace tube

- fuse tube

- gas-discharge tube

- gas-filled counter tube

- gas-flow counter tube

- Geiger-Muller counter tube

- Geiger counter tube

- glow tube

- glow-discharge tube

- grid-glow tube

- grilled tube

- grout tube

- guide tube

- halogen tube

- heavy-end tube

- heavy-fin tube

- heavy-walled tube

- helical welded tube

- high-vacuum tube

- high-velocity camera tube

- hot-cathode tube

- image camera tube

- image pickup tube

- image tube

- image-converter tube

- image-dissector tube

- image-intensifier tube

- impact tube

- indicator tube

- inductance tube

- inflatable rubber tube

- injection tube

- inlet tube

- in-line gun color picture tube

- in-line color picture tube

- in-line picture tube

- inner tube

- insulating tube

- internally pressurized tube

- ionization-gage tube

- isosceles triangular tube

- lance tube

- Lawrence tube

- lens tube

- level tube

- lift tube

- line-focus tube

- local-oscillator tube

- longitudinal welded tube

- low-fin tube

- low-velocity camera tube

- L-shape tube

- luminescent tube

- luminescent-screen tube

- luminous discharge tube

- magnetic-focusing tube

- Maxwell tube

- mechanically controlled tube

- memory cathode-ray tube

- memory tube

- mercury pool tube

- mercury-arc tube

- miniature tube

- mixer tube

- mixing tube

- Mojonnier tube

- mold tube

- Moody spreading draft tube

- Moody draft tube

- M-type tube

- multielectrode tube

- multigun cathode-ray tube

- multigun tube

- multiple tube

- multiplier tube

- multistage X-ray tube

- neon tube

- night-sight tube

- nitrometer tube

- Nixie tube

- nonuniformly heated tube

- oscillating tube

- oscillograph tube

- O-type tube

- outlet tube

- panoramic X-ray tube

- parent tube

- pastes tube

- penetration tube

- phase-shifter tube

- photoelectric tube

- photoflash tube

- photomultiplier tube

- photosensitive tube

- pickup tube

- picture tube

- PIL type tube

- PIL tube

- Pitot tube

- plumbicon tube

- poison tube

- polyallomer tube

- polycarbonate tube

- pool-cathode tube

- pool tube

- power tube

- precision in-line tube

- preheating oxygen tube

- pressure tube

- process tube

- projection tube

- proportional counter tube

- protector tube

- proximity-focused image tube

- puncture-sealing tube

- pyrometer tube

- radiant section tubes

- radiant tubes

- radiation counter tube

- radio tube

- reactance tube

- recording cathode-ray tube

- recording tube

- regulating tube

- reserve tube

- return tube

- revolving tube

- riffled tube

- rigid tube

- road-draft tube

- roof radiant tubes

- rotating-anode X-ray tube

- rough tube

- rubber tube

- rudder tube

- run resist tube

- safety inner tube

- sampling tube

- scaffold tube

- screen tubes

- scupper tube

- seamless drawn tube

- seamless tube

- SEC tube

- sectional X-ray tube

- self-quenched counter tube

- shaft tube

- shielded tube

- shock tube

- silicon diode-array camera tube

- silicon camera tube

- silicon-intensifier target tube

- siphon draft tube

- sleeve tube

- slot-mask tube

- smooth-wall tube

- snorkel tube

- snow sampling tube

- snow tube

- softening point tubes

- solid tube

- space-charge-wave tube

- stabilitron tube

- stationary-anode X-ray tube

- steam tube

- steam-generating tube

- steering tube

- stern tube

- stopper tube

- storage cathode-ray tube

- storage tube

- straight draft tube

- stream tube

- strip-phosphor tube

- suction tube

- switching tube

- tank breather tubes

- television picture tube

- television tube

- tension tube

- test tube

- thermometer tube

- thief tube

- thin-walled tube

- three-gun color picture tube

- thruster tube

- tire inner tube

- torch tube

- transition tube

- transverse-field traveling-wave tube

- traveling-wave tube

- trigger tube

- tripotential cathode-ray tube

- tripotential tube

- tube of current

- tube of electric force

- tube of flow

- tube of magnetic flux

- tube of magnetic force

- twisting tube

- twist tube

- uniformly heated tube

- U-V fluorescent tube

- vacuum tube

- vacuum-gage tube

- valve tube

- vapor delivery tube

- vapor tube

- Venturi tube

- vidicon camera tube

- vidicon tube

- voltage-reference tube

- voltage-regulating tube

- wall radiant tubes

- wall tube

- waterwall tube

- Williams tube

- wire-reinforced plastic tube

- wiring tube

- X-ray tube

- x-y shutter tube

Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary .      Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь.