Англо-русский перевод COUNTRY

1) страна

2) родина, отечество

3) район, сельская местность

- country of birth

- country of destination

- country of origin

- advanced capitalist country

- agricultural country

- backward country

- bilateral countries

- British preference countries

- capital-exporting country

- capital-importing country

- capitalist country

- Comecon countries

- Common Market country

- creditor country

- debitor country

- deficit country

- home country

- independent country

- industrially advanced country

- key-currency country

- lending country

- less developed country

- market-economy country

- member country

- mother country

- multilateral countries

- newly industrialized country

- nonkey-currency country

- non-member country

- nonsterling country

- old country

- one-crop country

- planned economy country

- primary producing country

- range country

- reserve-currency country

- sterling country

- surplus country

- underdeveloped country

English-Russian dictionary of economics and finance.      Англо-Русский словарь по экономике и финансам.