Meaning of MAKE in English

n. 25B6; verb

he makes models : CONSTRUCT, build, assemble, put together, manufacture, produce, fabricate, create, form, fashion, model.

she made me drink it : FORCE, compel, coerce, press, drive, pressure, pressurize, oblige, require; have someone do something, prevail on, dragoon, bludgeon, strong-arm, impel, constrain; informal railroad.

don't make such a noise : CAUSE, create, give rise to, produce, bring about, generate, engender, occasion, effect, set up, establish, institute, found, develop, originate; poetic/literary beget.

she made a little bow : PERFORM, execute, give, do, accomplish, achieve, bring off, carry out, effect.

they made him chairman : APPOINT, designate, name, nominate, select, elect, vote in, install; induct, institute, invest, ordain.

he had made a will : FORMULATE, frame, draw up, devise, make out, prepare, compile, compose, put together; draft, write, pen.

I've made a mistake : PERPETRATE, commit, be responsible for, be guilty of, be to blame for.

he's made a lot of money : ACQUIRE, obtain, gain, get, realize, secure, win, earn; gross, net, clear; bring in, take (in).

he made tea : PREPARE, get ready, put together, concoct, cook, dish up, throw together, whip up, brew; informal fix; Brit. informal mash.

we've got to make a decision : REACH, come to, settle on, determine on, conclude.

she made a short announcement : UTTER, give, deliver, give voice to, enunciate, recite, pronounce.

the sofa makes a good bed : BE, act as, serve as, function as, constitute, do duty for.

he'll make the first eleven : GAIN A PLACE IN, get into, gain access to, enter; achieve, attain.

he just made his train : CATCH, get, arrive/be in time for, arrive at, reach; get to.

destroy, lose, miss.

25B6; noun

what make is the car? : BRAND, marque, label.

a man of a different make from his brother : CHARACTER, nature, temperament, temper, disposition, kidney, mould, stamp.

25A0; make as if/though FEIGN, pretend, make a show/pretence of, affect, feint, make out; informal put it on.

25A0; make away with

she decided to make away with him : KILL, murder, dispatch, eliminate; informal bump off, do away with, do in, do for, knock off, top, croak, stiff, blow away; N. Amer. informal ice, rub out, smoke, waste; poetic/literary slay.

they made away with the evidence : DISPOSE OF, get rid of, destroy, throw away, jettison, ditch, dump; informal do away with.

25A0; make believe PRETEND, fantasize, daydream, build castles in the air, build castles in Spain, dream, imagine, play-act, play.

25A0; make do SCRAPE BY, scrape along, get by/along, manage, cope, survive, muddle along/through, improvise, make ends meet, keep the wolf from the door, keep one's head above water; informal make out; ( make do with ) make the best of, get by on, put up with.

25A0; make for

she made for the door : GO FOR/TOWARDS, head for/towards, aim for, make one's way towards, move towards, direct one's steps towards, steer a course towards, be bound for, make a beeline for.

constant arguing doesn't make for a happy marriage : CONTRIBUTE TO, be conducive to, produce, promote, facilitate, foster; formal conduce to.

25A0; make it

he never made it as a singer : SUCCEED, be a success, distinguish oneself, get ahead, make good; informal make the grade, arrive, crack it.

she's very ill—is she going to make it? : SURVIVE, come through, pull through, get better, recover.

25A0; make love . See have sex at sex .

25A0; make off RUN AWAY/OFF, take to one's heels, beat a hasty retreat, flee, make one's getaway, make a quick exit, run for it, make a run for it, take off, take flight, bolt, make oneself scarce, decamp, do a disappearing act; informal clear off/out, beat it, leg it, cut and run, skedaddle, vamoose, hightail it, hotfoot it, show a clean pair of heels, fly the coop, split, scoot, scram; Brit. informal scarper, do a runner; N. Amer. informal take a powder.

25A0; make off with TAKE, steal, purloin, pilfer, abscond with, run away/off with, carry off, snatch; kidnap, abduct; informal walk away/off with, swipe, filch, snaffle, nab, lift, ‘liberate’, ‘borrow’, snitch; Brit. informal pinch, half-inch, nick, whip, knock off; N. Amer. informal heist, glom.

25A0; make out (informal) how did you make out? : GET ON/ALONG, fare, do, proceed, go, progress, manage, survive, cope, get by.

25A0; make something out

I could just make out a figure in the distance : SEE, discern, distinguish, perceive, pick out, detect, observe, recognize; poetic/literary descry, espy.

he couldn't make out what she was saying : UNDERSTAND, comprehend, follow, grasp, fathom, work out, make sense of, interpret, decipher, make head or tail of, get, get the drift of, catch.

she made out that he was violent : ALLEGE, claim, assert, declare, maintain, affirm, suggest, imply, hint, insinuate, indicate, intimate, impute; formal aver.

he made out a receipt for $20 : WRITE OUT, fill out, fill in, complete, draw up.

25A0; make something over to someone TRANSFER, sign over, turn over, hand over/on/down, give, leave, bequeath, bestow, pass on, assign, consign, entrust; Law devolve, convey.

25A0; make up let's kiss and make up : BE FRIENDS AGAIN, bury the hatchet, declare a truce, make peace, forgive and forget, shake hands, become reconciled, settle one's differences, mend fences, call it quits.

25A0; make something up

exports make up 42 02CC; of earnings : COMPRISE, form, compose, constitute, account for.

Gina brought a friend to make up a foursome : COMPLETE, round off, finish.

the pharmacist made up the prescription : PREPARE, mix, concoct, put together.

he made up an excuse : INVENT, fabricate, concoct, dream up, think up, hatch, trump up; devise, manufacture, formulate, coin; informal cook up.

she made up her face : APPLY MAKE-UP/COSMETICS TO, powder, rouge; ( make oneself up ) informal put on one's face, do/paint one's face, apply one's warpaint, doll oneself up.

25A0; make up for

she tried to make up for what she'd said : ATONE FOR, make amends for, compensate for, make recompense for, make reparation for, make redress for, make restitution for, expiate.

job satisfaction can make up for low pay : OFFSET, counterbalance, counteract, compensate for; balance, neutralize, cancel out, even up, redeem.

25A0; make up one's mind DECIDE, come to a decision, make/reach a decision; settle on a plan of action, come to a conclusion, reach a conclusion; determine, resolve.

25A0; make up to (informal) CURRY FAVOUR WITH, cultivate, try to win over, court, ingratiate oneself with; informal suck up to, butter up; N. Amer. informal shine up to; archaic blandish.

25A0; make way MOVE ASIDE, clear the way, make a space, make room, stand back.

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