Meaning of HAMMER in English

■ noun

1》 a tool consisting of a heavy metal head mounted at the end of a handle, used for breaking things and driving in nails.

↘an auctioneer's mallet, tapped to indicate a sale.

2》 a part of a mechanism that hits another, e.g. one exploding the charge in a gun.

3》 a heavy metal ball attached to a wire for throwing in an athletic contest.

4》 another term for malleus .

■ verb

1》 hit or beat repeatedly with or as with a ~.

↘( ~ away ) work hard and persistently.

↘( ~ something in/into ) inculcate something forcefully or repeatedly.

↘( ~ something out ) play a tune on a piano loudly and unskilfully.

↘( ~ something out ) laboriously work out the details of a plan or agreement.

2》 informal criticize or attack forcefully.

↘utterly defeat.

3》 Stock Exchange declare (someone) a defaulter.

4》 Stock Exchange beat down the price of (a stock).


come (or go ) under the ~ be sold at an auction.

~ and tongs informal enthusiastically or vehemently: they fought ~ and tongs.


~ing noun

~less adjective


OE hamor , hamer , of Gmc origin.

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.