Meaning of LOT in English

■ pronoun ( a ~ or ~s ) informal a large number or amount; a great deal.

↘( the ~ or the whole ~ ) the whole number or quantity.

■ adverb ( a ~ or ~s ) informal a great deal.

■ noun

1》 [treated as sing. or plural ] informal a particular group or set of people or things.

2》 an item or set of items for sale at an auction.

3》 a method of deciding something by random selection, especially of one from a number of pieces of paper.

↘the choice resulting from such a process.

4》 a person's destiny, luck, or condition in life.

5》 chiefly N. Amer. a p~ of land.

↘(also parking ~ ) a car park.

■ verb ( ~s , ~ting , ~ted ) divide into ~s for sale at an auction.


bad ~ Brit. informal a dishonest person.

draw (or cast ) ~s decide by ~.

fall to someone's ~ become someone's task or responsibility.

throw in one's ~ with decide to share the fate of.


OE h~ (n.) (orig. in sense 3 and 4), of Gmc origin.


Although a ~ of and ~s of are very common in speech and writing, they still have an informal feel and it is better to avoid them in formal English, where alternatives such as many or a large number should be used instead.

The correct spelling is a ~ ; the one-word form a~ is incorrect.

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.