Meaning of VOLUNTARY in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈvɔləntərɪ ]

adj. & n. --adj. 1 done, acting, or able to act of one's own free will; not constrained or compulsory, intentional (a voluntary gift). 2 unpaid (voluntary work). 3 (of an institution) supported by voluntary contributions. 4 Brit. (of a school) built by a voluntary institution but maintained by a local education authority. 5 brought about, produced, etc., by voluntary action. 6 (of a movement, muscle, or limb) controlled by the will. 7 (of a confession by a criminal) not prompted by a promise or threat. 8 Law (of a conveyance or disposition) made without return in money or other consideration. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a an organ solo played before, during, or after a church service. b the music for this. c archaic an extempore performance esp. as a prelude to other music. 2 (in competitions) a special performance left to the performer's choice. 3 hist. a person who holds that the Church or schools should be independent of the State and supported by voluntary contributions. øVoluntary Aid Detachment (in the UK) a group of organized voluntary first-aid and nursing workers. Voluntary Service Overseas a British organization promoting voluntary work in underdeveloped countries. øøvoluntarily adv. voluntariness n. [ME f. OF volontaire or L voluntarius f. voluntas will]

English main colloquial, spoken dictionary.      Английский основной разговорный словарь.