Meaning of WUDU EARS in English

THE WIPING OF THE EARS: The Imamis are agreed - in following the Imams from the pure family - that the mash of the ears is not a part of the wudu , for there is no proof for it in the book, the sunna or in any consensus. Rather, it is clear from the book that the wudu consists of the two washings - the face and the hands - and the two wipings - the head and the feet.

The Hanbalis have deemed it obligatory to wipe the ears with the auditory meatus. Ibn Rushd reported this view from Abu Hanifa and his companions.Al-Shafi'i and Malik say that wiping them is recommended. They have differed regarding taking fresh water for them. A group has broken up from them and have stated they (the ears) are to be washed with the face. Others have said: "The inner [part] is to be wiped with the head, the outer is to be washed with the face." Al-Shafi`i says it is recommended to repeat [the act] just as he recommends [the repetition] when wiping on the head.

Advanced Islamic English dictionary.      Расширенный исламский словарь английского языка.