Meaning of MIND in English


1. your mind

2. affecting your mind


I don’t mind : ↑ DON'T CARE

see also








1. your mind

▷ mind /maɪnd/ [countable noun]

what you use to think and imagine things :

▪ His mind was full of big ideas for developing the company.

▪ Dave struggled hard to push these worries out of his mind. try not to think about them

in your mind

▪ She had a picture of him in her mind - tall, blond and handsome.

at the back of your mind

when an idea is not very clear or certain

▪ At the back of my mind I had the funny feeling that I’d met her somewhere before.

go/run through your mind

▪ The same thoughts kept going through my mind and I couldn’t get to sleep.

turn something over in your mind

think about something carefully

▪ It was an interesting idea. Jeff turned it over in his mind on the way to work.

what’s going on in somebody’s mind

what somebody is thinking

▪ I never know what’s going on in her mind.

your mind wanders

you cannot make yourself concentrate on a particular subject , and you start thinking about other things

▪ The teacher talked on and on and my mind began to wander.

▷ brain /breɪn/ [countable noun]

your ability to think and the way that you think :

▪ My brain worked fast as I tried to decide what to do.

▪ Branson has an excellent business brain.

▷ head /hed/ [countable noun]

someone’s mind - use this especially when talking about the thoughts that are in someone’s mind :

▪ Dan’s head was full of big ideas.

what’s going on in somebody’s head

what somebody is thinking

▪ She’s so quiet - you never quite know what’s going on inside her head.

▷ subconscious /sʌbˈkɒnʃəsǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [singular noun]

the part of your mind that influences the way you think or behave, even though you may not realize this is happening, and which makes you have dreams :

the subconscious

▪ When you go to sleep it is only the conscious mind that shuts down. The subconscious cannot do so.

somebody’s subconscious

▪ Our subconscious plays tricks with us sometimes and we may imagine that we are seeing things such as ghosts.

subconscious [adjective]

▪ the subconscious mind

▪ our subconscious desires

▷ psyche /ˈsaɪki/ [singular noun] formal

someone’s mind, especially their feelings and attitudes, and the way these influence their character :

▪ The need for love is deeply buried in our psyche.

▪ the fragile psyche of a teenager

the human/female/American etc psyche

the typical psyche of a human, female etc

▪ Freud has provided an account of the human psyche’s different stages of development.

2. affecting your mind

▷ mental /ˈmentl/ [adjective usually before noun]

affecting your mind or happening in your mind :

▪ After months of overworking, Briggs was suffering from mental and physical exhaustion.

▪ It takes a lot of mental effort to understand these ideas.

mental picture/image

a picture that you have in your mind

▪ I’d never met Jane’s boyfriend, but I had a clear mental picture of what he looked like.

mental illness/problem/breakdown

an illness, problem etc of your mind, not your body

▪ Rick had a complete mental breakdown after his family died in a car crash.

mentally [adverb]

▪ By the end of the day we were mentally and physically worn out.

▷ psychological /ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪk ə l◂ǁ-ˈlɑː-/ [adjective]

affecting the mind - use this especially about mental problems that influence the way someone behaves :

▪ The cause of a physical illness can often be psychological.

a psychological problem

▪ She works with children who have psychological problems.

psychologically [adverb]

▪ psychologically disturbed children

▷ subconscious also unconscious /sʌbˈkɒnʃəsǁ-ˈkɑːn-, ʌnˈkɒnʃəsǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [adjective]

subconscious feelings, desires, worries etc are hidden in your mind and you do not realize that you have them :

▪ People who come to me for counselling are very often suffering from unconscious feelings of guilt.

▪ a subconscious fear of failure

subconsciously [adverb]

▪ Fathers are often subconsciously jealous of their sons.

▷ subliminal /sʌbˈlɪmɪn ə l, sʌbˈlɪmən ə l/ [adjective]

subliminal messages and images are hidden in advertisements, pictures etc and can influence your mind without you realizing it :

▪ Any kind of subliminal advertising is illegal on British TV.

▪ Young people are receiving constant subliminal messages glorifying pop stars, their cars, their girlfriends.

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