Meaning of WAY in English


a way of doing something

1. a way or method of doing something

2. the correct way of doing something

3. the method you use to achieve something

4. a way of achieving success, happiness etc

5. a clever or dishonest way of getting what you want

6. the way in which something is done

the way somebody behaves

7. the way someone behaves or does something

8. done in a particular way

the way you go from one place to another

9. the way to go from one place to another

10. to find out how to get to a place by using maps


see also




1. a way or method of doing something

▷ way /weɪ/ [countable noun]

▪ Websites can be designed in many different ways.

way to do something

▪ Visiting a country is a great way to learn its language.

▪ There’s more than one way to build a house - all builders work differently.

▪ I tried every way I could to make the child go to bed, but she refused.

way of doing something

▪ Is there any way of controlling the heating in here?

the way (that) somebody does something

▪ I’ll show you the way we calculate the figures.

the best/only way

▪ What’s the best way to remove wine stains?

▪ The only way to lose weight is to eat less.

the right/wrong way

▪ The government does not believe that this approach is the right way to deal with the problem.

the way to go about something

▪ I think you’re going about this in completely the wrong way.

▷ method /ˈmeθəd/ [countable noun]

a way of doing something, especially one that is well known and often used :

▪ Printing methods have changed completely in the last twenty years.

▪ In this school, staff are given complete freedom in their choice of language teaching methods.

▪ Make a list of the different methods you could use in conducting a survey.

method of

▪ You can choose whichever method of payment you prefer.

method of/for doing something

▪ Medical science has not yet found a satisfactory method of treating cholera.

▪ an environmentally-friendly method for treating household waste

▷ approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/ [countable noun]

a way of dealing with a particular problem or situation, especially a way that has been carefully thought about or planned :

▪ The main advantage of this approach is its simplicity.

approach to

▪ Today’s approach to raising children is very different from 40 years ago.

▪ Space scientists had to adopt a whole new approach to design and construction.

▷ technique /tekˈniːk/ [countable noun]

a particular way of doing something, for which you need a skill that has to be learned and practised :

▪ More and more heart patients are surviving thanks to improved surgical techniques.

▪ helpful tips on how to improve your exam technique

technique for doing something

▪ Chapter 6 describes useful techniques for creating on-screen filing systems that really work.

▷ strategy /ˈstrætɪdʒi, ˈstrætədʒi/ [countable noun]

a set of carefully planned methods for achieving something that is difficult and may take a long time :

▪ We will continue to update our sales strategy.

strategy for (doing) something

▪ The government has no long-term strategy for reducing crime.

strategy to do something

▪ a strategy to reduce the level of teenage smoking

▷ system /ˈsɪstɪm, ˈsɪstəm/ [countable noun]

a planned and effective way of doing something that you use every time you do it :

▪ I do the cooking and Andrew does the shopping; it’s an excellent system.

system of doing something

▪ I work a lot more quickly now I’ve developed an efficient system of working.

system for doing something

▪ Ryan thinks he’s discovered a system for winning at roulette.

▷ tactics /ˈtæktɪks/ [plural noun]

methods that you use in order to achieve what you want, especially in a game or competition :

▪ Salesmen use all sorts of clever tactics to persuade people to buy from them.

▪ The team was busy discussing tactics for the game.

▪ He played with the confidence of a winning captain, instinctively changing tactics when necessary.

2. the correct way of doing something

▷ how to do something /ˌhaʊ tə ˈduː something/:

▪ For details on how to install the program, see the instructions on the right.

show/teach/tell etc somebody how to do something

▪ Could you show me how to work the photocopier?

▪ My father taught me how to make and mend fishing nets

know how to do something

▪ I don’t know how to load this thing.

learn/find out/work out etc how to do something

▪ Find out how to decorate your own Easter eggs on pages 30-31.

▷ procedure /prəˈsiːdʒəʳ/ [countable noun]

the correct or official way of doing something, especially something that has several stages :

▪ I want to get a new passport but I don’t know the procedure.

procedure for doing something

▪ What is the procedure for opening a bank account?

follow/observe a procedure

▪ It is very important to follow the safety procedures laid down in the handbook.

▪ Always observe the correct procedure for the use of ski-lifts.

correct/proper/standard procedure

▪ Stewards spent hours rehearsing the proper procedure for marshalling the huge crowds expected in the stadium.

▪ Sorry about the body search. It’s just standard procedure.

3. the method you use to achieve something

▷ means /miːnz/ [countable noun]

a method, system, machine etc that you use to do something or achieve something :

▪ We aim to use peaceful means to bring about change.

means of doing something

▪ Education and training are the most effective means of improving the nation’s economy.

by means of something

using a particular method or system

▪ He came to power by means of a military coup in 1960.

by peaceful/political/unlawful etc means

▪ The judge ruled that Smith had been elected by unlawful means.

means of communication/transport/transportation

▪ E-mail has become an increasingly important means of business communication.

means to an end

something that you do only as a way of achieving something else

▪ You should not regard the course simply as a means to an end.

▷ tool /tuːl/ [countable noun]

a particular method or system that you use to get a result, especially in business or politics :

▪ Pictures of fleeing refugees were used as an effective propaganda tool against the Communists.

tool of

▪ Interest rates are one of the Finance Minister’s main tools of economic policy.

tool for (doing) something

▪ Dance and aerobics classes are a useful tool for encouraging girls back to school P.E. lessons.

▷ tactic /ˈtæktɪk/ [countable noun]

a carefully planned way of trying to get what you want :

▪ He’s threatening to sue us? That’s a tactic he’s used before.

▪ Giving out criticism rather than praise is a tactic that rarely works in the workplace.

delaying tactic

something you do to gain more time for yourself

▪ The question was just a delaying tactic to stop her leaving the room.

▷ medium /ˈmiːdiəm/ [countable noun] plural media /-diə/ formal

a physical or electronic method used for giving people information, for example the telephone, television, newspapers etc :

▪ The wide variety of electronic media available on the Internet.

medium for (doing) something

▪ DVDs have quickly become an extremely popular medium for film viewing.

▷ vehicle /ˈviːɪk ə l/ [singular noun] written

something you use as a way of expressing your ideas, communicating something to people, or achieving what you want :

vehicle for (doing) something

▪ the use of TV soap operas as a vehicle for spreading public information

▪ The secret ballot was an important vehicle for freer elections.

▷ avenue /ˈævɪnjuː, ˈævənjuːǁ-nuː/ [countable noun]

a way of achieving something - use this especially when there are several different ways and you are trying to find the best one or the only one that is really possible :

▪ We explored every possible avenue, but still couldn’t come up with a solution.

4. a way of achieving success, happiness etc

▷ route/path /ruːt, pɑːθǁpæθ/ [countable noun usually singular]

▪ Her political career followed the usual route of local and then national government.

route/path to

▪ There’s more than one route to a successful marriage.

▪ the path to happiness and enlightenment

▷ the key /ðə ˈkiː/ [singular noun]

the most important means of making progress or achieving success :

▪ In all types of advice work, listening is the key.

the key to

▪ What’s the key to getting a good night’s sleep?

▪ We feel that our policy of low-price products in plain packaging is the key to our success.

▷ secret /ˈsiːkrɪt, ˈsiːkrət/ [singular noun]

a way of becoming happy, healthy, successful etc that not everyone knows about or knows how to do :

▪ I don’t know what her secret is but she always gets top marks in exams.

▪ Hollywood stars reveal their beauty secrets in next month’s edition.

the secret of somebody’s/something’s success

▪ Mr. Ritchie, you’re a millionaire at the age of twenty. What’s the secret of your success?

5. a clever or dishonest way of getting what you want

▷ ploy /plɔɪ/ [countable noun]

a clever way of gaining an advantage, for example by making people feel concerned about you or making them feel grateful towards you :

▪ The religious element of their election campaign was a cynical ploy.

ploy to do something

▪ He’s not really ill, it’s just a ploy to make us feel sorry for him.

▷ device /dɪˈvaɪs/ [countable noun]

something that is intended to achieve a particular aim, especially an aim that is slightly dishonest or unacceptable :

device to do something

▪ He used every device possible to prevent inspectors from entering the premises.

▪ Commissions and inquiries are little more than a device to allow politicians to put off taking decisions.

▷ ways and means /ˌweɪz ən ˈmiːnz/ [noun phrase]

clever ways of getting an advantage, especially by doing something that is unusual or secret :

ways and means of doing something

▪ Dealers have ways and means of making people smuggle drugs for them.

6. the way in which something is done

▷ how /haʊ/ [adverb]

use this to say or ask the way that someone does something :

▪ How do you get your CD player to work?

▪ We don’t know how she managed to escape.

how to do something

▪ My dad’s teaching me how to use email.

▪ She told me how to get to the Johnsons’ house.

▷ like this /laɪk ˈðɪs/ [adverb] spoken

in this way - say this when you are showing someone the way to do something :

▪ You have to fold the corners back like this.

something like this

▪ The program works something like this.

▷ somehow /ˈsʌmhaʊ/ [adverb]

if you do something somehow, you do it by using any method that is available :

▪ There’s a bus strike, but I’m sure Ian will get here somehow.

▪ The newspaper had somehow got hold of some secret government papers.

somehow or other

▪ I’ll find out her address somehow or other.

▷ by /baɪ/ [preposition]

using a particular method :

by doing something

▪ They got the information by bribing officials.

▪ She earns a living by selling insurance.

▷ by means of /baɪ ˈmiːnz ɒv/ [preposition]

using a particular method, tool, object etc :

▪ FBI officers recorded the conversation by means of a tiny bug hidden in the phone.

▪ She paid for the goods by means of a stolen credit card.

7. the way someone behaves or does something

▷ way /weɪ/ [countable noun]

▪ Losing a job affects different people in different ways.

the way (that) somebody does something

▪ I just love the way she laughs.

▪ I could tell by the way he looked at me that he was annoyed.

somebody’s way of doing something

▪ The younger girls admired Louise, and tried to copy her way of dressing and talking.

in the same/a different way

▪ We try to treat all the children in the same way.

▷ manner /ˈmænəʳ/ [singular noun]

the way that someone behaves towards someone else and talks to them :

▪ The doctor had a relaxed and friendly manner.

not like somebody’s manner

▪ a young man with a slightly shy, awkward manner

▷ how somebody does something /ˌhaʊ somebody ˈdʌz something/ [adverb]

use this to talk about the way someone behaves or does something :

▪ Have you noticed how she reacts when you mention her husband?

▪ Just watch how he tricks the other player into going in the wrong direction.

▷ style /staɪl/ [countable noun]

the particular way that someone does something or deals with other people, especially if this way has been chosen from several possible ways :

▪ Cameron found my style aggressive, although I thought I was just being direct and honest.

style of

▪ Her friendly style of management works well with small groups of people.

▪ an authoritarian style of leadership

8. done in a particular way

▷ in a ... way/manner /ɪn ə ... ˈweɪ, ˈmænəʳ/ [adverb]

▪ She was looking at me in a very strange way.

▪ The wedding ceremony was conducted in quite a formal manner.

▷ in a ... fashion /ɪn ə ... ˈfæʃ ə n/ [adverb] formal

if you do something in a particular fashion, you do it in a particular way :

▪ There’s no reason why we can’t behave in a civilized fashion even though we’re getting divorced.

▷ with /wɪð, wɪθ/ [preposition]

with enthusiasm/care/envy/delight etc

enthusiastically, carefully etc :

▪ A sign warned motorists to drive with care.

▪ He has borne his illness with great courage.

▪ They set about tackling the problem with a great deal of enthusiasm.

▪ ‘My daughter’s been selected for the Olympic team,’ she said, with understandable pride.

▷ like /laɪk/ [preposition]

in a particular way :

like this/that

▪ You mustn’t talk to people like that - it’s very rude.

▪ They were all waving their arms around, like this.

like somebody

in the same way as someone

▪ He stood bolt upright, like a soldier.

▪ He moves and talks just like his father.

▷ -style /staɪl/

done or made in a way that is typical of a place, group of people etc - use this after another noun or adjective :

▪ Although he was educated in India, he went to an English-style boarding school.

▪ They live in a beautiful little country-style house on the edge of town.

▪ He wore his gun at the hip, cowboy-style.

▷ along ... lines /əˌlɒŋ ... ˈlaɪnzǁəˌlɔːŋ-/ [adverb]

if something is done along particular lines, it is done in a way that is similar to the way you have mentioned :

along socialist/military/institutional etc lines

▪ The school was run along almost military lines.

along the same/similar lines

▪ We must have been thinking along the same lines, because we both said together, ‘Let’s get out of here!’

▷ as if/as though /əz ˈɪf, əz ˈðəʊ/ [conjunction]

in a way that seems to show that something has happened, something is true etc, even though this might not always be what has happened, what is true etc :

▪ Dreen looked as if he’d seen a ghost.

▪ She moved her legs slowly, as though in pain.

▷ with an air of /wɪð ən ˈeər ɒv/ [preposition] formal

in a particular way - used in literature :

▪ The affair had been conducted with an air of mystery which he disliked.

▪ Lila came out into the yard with an air of happy confidence.

9. the way to go from one place to another

▷ way /weɪ/ [singular noun]

the road, path etc that you must follow in order to get to a place :

▪ The road was blocked, so we came back a different way.

be the way

▪ Are you sure this is the way?

way to/into/home etc

▪ Is this the way to Grand Central Station?

▪ I think this is the quickest way into town.

▪ Do you think you can find the way home by yourself?

the right/wrong way

▪ I don’t recognize this part of town - we must have come the wrong way.

know the way

know how to get somewhere

▪ Will you come with me? I don’t know the way.

▷ how to get /ˌhaʊ tə ˈget/

if you ask or tell someone how to get somewhere, you ask or tell them the way to a place :

how to get to

▪ Can you tell me how to get to the Piazza Venezia?

how to get there/back/home

▪ Come with me. I know how to get there.

▷ route /ruːtǁruːt, raʊt/ [countable noun]

the way from one place to another, especially a way that is used regularly and can be shown on a map :

▪ If you don’t enjoy driving on the main highways, try some of the rural routes.

▪ It looked as though the most direct route was through the forest.

▪ I try to vary my route to and from work a little.

take a route

follow a route

▪ There are two routes we can take - this one along the coast or this one through the mountains.

▷ short cut /ˌʃɔːt ˈkʌtǁˈʃɔːrt kʌt/ [countable noun]

a way of getting somewhere that is shorter than the usual way :

▪ Taxi-drivers know all the short cuts.

take a short cut

use a short cut

▪ Let’s take a short cut across the field.

▷ directions /dɪˈrekʃ ə nz, dəˈrekʃ ə nz, daɪ-/ [plural noun]

instructions on how to get to a place :

▪ I checked the directions and turned left as I was told to.

directions to

▪ The letter contained a wedding invitation and directions to the church.

follow directions

▪ If you follow these directions you’ll have no problem finding the house.

10. to find out how to get to a place by using maps

▷ find your way /ˌfaɪnd jɔːʳ ˈweɪ/ [verb phrase]

to manage to get to a place, either by remembering the way from previous journeys, or by going the way you think is right :

▪ Unable to find our way, we stopped at a local hotel to ask directions.

find your way to/home/out/back etc

▪ Somehow, I managed to find my way out of the forest.

find your own way

without anyone else’s help

▪ If I take you there, do you think you’ll be able to find your own way back?

▷ navigate /ˈnævɪgeɪt, ˈnævəgeɪt/ [intransitive verb]

to find the way to a place using maps or by carefully remembering the position of various objects or places :

▪ I don’t mind driving but I’d like you to navigate.

navigate by

▪ Some birds fly at night and navigate by the stars.

navigation /ˌnævɪˈgeɪʃ ə n, ˌnævəˈgeɪʃ ə n/ [uncountable noun]

▪ The fog and heavy rain made navigation difficult.

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