Meaning of NEAR in English



BAD : He decided to visit a friend who lived very near from where he was at that moment.

GOOD : He decided to visit a friend who lived very near (to) where he was at that moment.


near or near to (NOT near from ): 'The post office is near (to) the bank.' 'If we moved to Dallas, we would be nearer to my parents.'


BAD : I went near to the girl and told her my name.

GOOD : I went up to the girl and told her my name.


See note at TO 2 (↑ to )


BAD : I sometimes meet friends in a near restaurant.

GOOD : I sometimes meet friends in a nearby restaurant.

BAD : I ran to the telephone box which was near to call an ambulance.

GOOD : I ran to the telephone box nearby to call an ambulance.


To say that something is only a short distance from a place, use nearby : 'I stopped at one of the nearby cottages and asked the way.' 'It's very convenient having a supermarket nearby.'

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