Meaning of CLOSE-FITTING in English



A close-fitting threshold makes an additional seal.

Daytime casual is typically the leather and denim look, with close-fitting leggings and high-heeled boots.

He'd swopped the black tracksuit for close-fitting washed-out denims and a loose crew-neck navy sweatshirt.

He likes the same close-fitting silhouette for women as he does for men.

Parkas worn over close-fitting body pieces leap from the gloaming in acid greens, violent oranges, purples and cardinal reds.

She noticed his long, powerful legs, the immaculate cut of his close-fitting breeches, his purposeful stride.

The Devil had put on his clothes - dark, close-fitting clothes - and had come sloping back.

Underneath it she was clad in a close-fitting N. Peal black sweater which showed off her figure to full advantage.

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