Meaning of HYPERINFLATION in English



Diehard optimists, like Mr Pynzenyk, say that hyperinflation and economic collapse will eventually force the country to its senses.

Examination of the chest was unremarkable with no evidence of hyperinflation and clear auscultation.

If taken to extremes, such policies carried within them the potential to precipitate a catastrophic decline into hyperinflation .

Now that we have an idea how hyperinflation gets started we can look at the causes of run-of-the-mill inflation.

The aim was to prevent hyperinflation .

The early years of hyperinflation after price controls were eased in 1992 led to backlogs in debts among businesses and the state.

The threat of hyperinflation is now all too real.

When hyperinflation strikes, everyone has paper money, but paper money is useless.

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