Meaning of MOCK-UP in English



Architects wanted the mock-up to be as near as possible to the final specifications of the building.


At least the mock-up was holding up structurally.

So before Forte Travelodge installed a new booking system it set up a trial in a mock-up of its operations centre.

That affects the mock-up , or test, of the windows, and it has a snowball effect on other trades.

The best exhibits at the gallery are the mock-ups of old telegraph offices, exchanges and wireless ops rooms.

The important thing was that the mock-up had to be as near as possible to the specifications of the building.

The Safety Centre features full size mock-ups of nearly every danger a child could face including house fires and high speed trains.

This was approximately one fifth full size, but was a working mock-up rather than a true scale model.

Within a few months after his celestial revelation, Atkinson had a mock-up of the program.

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