Meaning of OAR in English





Ben pulled easily at the oars , the boat moving swiftly through the water.

Somebody would have to pull the working oar on that boat.

She pulled hard on the oars , and threw a rope to a man on the rock.

William pulled hard with his oars .

Grace jumped into the boat, and William pulled hard with the oars .


I heard him mention something about organs to another guest so I put my oar in and started such a nice conversation.

The strongest were put at the oars and they rowed with all their might down the river to the sea.

She was talking to me just now, before you put your oar in.


A piece of the boat or an oar or a white tennis shoe: Did tennis shoes float?

Alan insisted upon managing the oars, which made it even worse.

And when he took hold of the oars of a rowboat, the rowboat nearly jumped out of the water.

Eddie also presented Margarett with an oar pin: he rowed seven on the Harvard varsity crew.

In the ensuing commotion lost one of the oars over board.

Though the wind be not favourable to you yet, ardently grasp the oars!

We embark, the ferryman hands us an oar , and the craft moves out from the dock.

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