Meaning of RECONCILIATION in English





In his acceptance speech to the Assembly on Oct. 20 Berri appealed for national reconciliation .

The present government is involved in a process of national reconciliation and is attempting to address the effects of decades of apartheid.

Her government embarked on a policy of national reconciliation after a decade of revolution, war and political polarization.

The larger rebel groups have stopped fighting and there have been halting moves toward national reconciliation .

New words entered their vocabulary: forgiveness, conflict resolution, national reconciliation , equity, self-empowerment.

This must be the first step towards national reconciliation .


There will also be a segment devoted to racial reconciliation , with pastors of different races and ethnic groups meeting onstage.

Conservatives leading the move for racial reconciliation ?



I wanted to achieve a reconciliation of the two approaches of literary criticism and linguistics.


Maybe that openness helped bring about final reconciliation .

She too hoped to bring about a reconciliation between the standers and their opponents.

On the other hand it can bring about reconciliation between families and friends and a new appreciation of life's true values.

It is doubtful whether such social occasions bring about any lasting reconciliation between the two groups.

The Spirit brings reconciliation Reconciliation is closely allied to this concept of unity.

The gospel brings about a reconciliation between groups which were formerly antagonistic to one another.


The Soviet situation was seen as a major factor in impelling the two countries to seek their current reconciliation .

Though an opponent of the more rigid scholastics, Weigel sought a reconciliation of modern philosophy with that of Aristotle.

In the circumstances of 1921, Michael Joyce would have been ill-advised to seek reconciliation with the new order in Ireland.


A large group of demonstrators stayed up all night praying for reconciliation between the two countries.

After years of fighting, there was now a spirit of national reconciliation in South Africa.

Giles is not interested in a reconciliation with his father.

Her ex-husband asked for a reconciliation .


But Branson was in no mood for reconciliation .

But they all end up happily together in orgasmic reconciliation .

Imagine a married couple who are estranged from one another, yet who both wistfully long for reconciliation .

In almost all relationship conflicts, reconciliation depends upon the creation of a more satisfactory reward system.

Over the past weeks, Milosevic has alternated between repression and reconciliation , and this week was no exception.

The reconciliation is, with respect, not so straight forward.

The couple divorced in 1992, then attempted a yearlong reconciliation starting in May 1993.

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