Meaning of REVOLVE in English




Because of the direction in which the Earth revolves, the sun always rises in the east and sets in the west.

revolving door

The park director position has been a revolving door for seven appointees.

the pivot on/around which sth turns/revolves

Iago’s lie is the pivot on which the play turns.




Health education will have to revolve around the adoption of safer practices.

Much of the instruction revolves around projects that students undertake in teams.

She says her life revolved around the ice rink - she had to fit her personal life in around her skating.

The entire celestial model revolves around the motionless earth once every twenty-four hours.

One of the central contrasts between the two novels revolves around the value of position.

Her life revolves around her children, she said.

The question revolves around whether revenue should have been recognised in the first place, i.e. had a sale taken place at all.

Much of this chapter appears to revolve around learning from adversity.


An atmospheric piece, revolving round a white shrine to his father, complete with icons and religious objects.

From the tone is dull and lifeless, and no important solo-work revolving round these notes should be given to the clarinet.

It was very undemanding, revolving round the borrowing of clothes, and helping each other with routines.

The room revolved round her and she ran her tongue over suddenly dry lips.

We have seasons that seem to revolve round the grape harvest.

Most thinking on the preservation of houses revolves round major aristocratic seats or ancient manor houses.


An enormous structure, resembling a Calder mobile, and hung with green and blue lights, revolves slowly .

A disco ball revolved slowly above the empty dance-floor.

As he slowly revolved he observed all points of the compass with eyes wide in wonder.

He remained where he was, slowly revolving to face me, a rotating star to my ellipsis of erratic wandering.

Overhead, the fan revolved slowly .



To set the earth revolving around the sun was to set all hell on the move.

C., Aristarchus calculated that the earth revolves around the sun.

Men give ear to an upstart astronomer who tries to show that the Earth revolves , not the Sun and the Moon.


It revealed an unrepentantly superficial world where life revolved around the minutiae of outward appearances and public display.

The reasoning is that legislators' lives revolve around the election cycles.

Village life still revolves around the squares, the quaysides and the tavernas.

The social life of the village revolved around the club; the clubhouse was like a den.

She says her life revolved around the ice rink - she had to fit her personal life in around her skating.

Her life revolves around her children, she said.

Bob was used to testing people, his whole life revolved around it.

Up to secondary school her life had revolved around the family and the Salvation Army.


It revealed an unrepentantly superficial world where life revolved around the minutiae of outward appearances and public display.

Am I just so narrow that I believe the world revolves around Kip?

It has taught me that the world doesn't revolve around me.

To me everything in this world revolves around community, school, family, religion, and the Boys &038; Girls Club.

Mr Kravchuk's trouble is that the world does not revolve round Kiev.

For many people living on their own, their social world may revolve around visits from or to relatives.

Linkage assumed that world politics revolved around the constant struggle for supremacy between the great powers.


think (that) the world revolves around you


A green and blue mobile revolved slowly above our heads.


For many, the critical point in the conflict will revolve around giving up work.

His whole sensibility revolves around the fact that he was born white and is now a cop.

Other reasons revolve around the changing demands and expectations of consumers and their agents.

Piper leaned backwards, staggering, and watched the room revolve until his brain seemed to hum with the motion.

Yannis Kokkos' sets keep revolving for 110 minutes.

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