Meaning of REVOLVE in English


Pronunciation: ri- ' välv, - ' vo ̇ lv also - ' väv or - ' vo ̇ v

Function: verb

Inflected Form: re · volved ; re · volv · ing

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin revolvere to roll back, cause to return, from re- + volvere to roll ― more at VOLUBLE

Date: 15th century

transitive verb

1 : to turn over at length in the mind : PONDER < revolve a scheme>

2 a obsolete : to cause to go round in an orbit b : ROTATE 1

intransitive verb


2 a : to ponder something b : to remain under consideration <ideas revolved in his mind>

3 a : to move in a curved path round a center or axis b : to turn or roll round on an axis

4 : to have or come to a specified focus : CENTER ― usually used with around <the dispute revolved around wages>

– re · volv · able \ - ' väl-v ə -b ə l, - ' vo ̇ l- also - ' vä-v ə - or - ' vo ̇ -v ə - \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.