Meaning of WRITE-UP in English



After a write-up in Yankee magazine, orders started pouring in.

Did you see Martin Amis' write-up of the book in the Observer?

Morris' play got a really good write-up in the press.

The film didn't get a very good write-up in Time Out.


After a fair few spot-on write-ups in the last few months, now the fashion pack moved in on him.

As it wasn't mentioned in the Newsletter write-up Geoff's theory is that she was booted out.

Do not believe the optimistic write-ups in the training brochures.

Editorial competition A competition is another device for promoting your product or services by name in terms of both write-up and pictures.

Have some spare copies of your phonology or grammar write-ups to give to anyone interested.

If they are favourable words, it could be the first write-up of many. 4.

In this case, treat the write-up as yet another learning experience informing you of strong and problem areas.

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