Meaning of GOD in English

god S1 W1 /ɡɒd $ ɡɑːd/ BrE AmE noun

[ Language: Old English ]

1 . God the spirit or ↑ being who Christians, Jews, Muslims etc pray to, and who they believe created the universe:

Prayer is a way of talking to God.

► In this sense, God is written with a capital letter and without ‘the’ : We asked God (NOT the God) to help us. Expressions containing the word God such as oh my God are common in spoken English but can offend religious people.

2 . [countable] a male spirit or ↑ being who is believed by some religions to control the world or part of it, or who represents a particular quality ⇨ goddess

god of

Mars, the god of war

Roman/Greek etc god

Zeus was one of the most well-known Greek gods.

3 . God’s gift to somebody/something someone who thinks they are perfect or extremely attractive – used to show disapproval:

Paul thinks he’s God’s gift to women.

4 . [countable] someone who is admired very much:

To his fans he is a god.

5 . [countable] something which you give too much importance or respect to:

Money became his god.

6 . the gods

a) the force that some people believe controls their lives, bringing them good or bad luck:

The gods are against us.

b) British English informal old-fashioned the seats high up and at the back of a theatre

7 . God/oh (my) God/good God/God almighty spoken used to emphasize what you are saying, when you are surprised, annoyed, or amused:

Oh God, how embarrassing!

8 . for God’s sake spoken used to emphasize something you are saying when you are annoyed:

For God’s sake, shut up!

9 . I swear/hope/wish/pray to God spoken used to emphasize that you promise, hope etc that something is true:

I hope to God nothing goes wrong.

10 . God forbid (that) spoken used to say that you very much hope that something will not happen:

God forbid that this should ever happen again.

11 . God (only) knows spoken

a) used to show that you are annoyed because you do not know something, or because you think that something is unreasonable

God (only) knows who/what/how etc

God knows what she’s doing in there.

b) used to emphasize what you are saying:

God knows, it hasn’t been easy.

12 . what/how/where/who in God’s name spoken used to emphasize a question when you are angry or surprised:

Where in God’s name have you been?

13 . God help you/him etc spoken used to warn someone that something bad will happen:

God help you if you spill anything on the carpet.

14 . God help us spoken said humorously when you think that something bad is going to happen:

‘Simon’s doing the cooking.’ ‘God help us!’

15 . honest to God spoken used to emphasize that you are not lying or joking:

Honest to God, I didn’t tell her!

16 . God willing spoken used to say that you hope there will be no problems:

We’ll be moving next month, God willing.

17 . God bless spoken used to say that you hope someone will be safe and happy, especially when you are saying goodbye:

Good night and God bless.

18 . God give me strength! spoken used when you are becoming annoyed

19 . there is a God! spoken said when someone is explaining that something very good happened to them at a time when they thought that their situation was very bad:

In walked four gorgeous, blond Swedish boys, and I thought, ‘There is a God!’

20 . God rest his/her soul ( also God rest him/her ) spoken old use used to show respect when speaking about someone who is dead

21 . by God spoken old use used to emphasize how determined or surprised you are

⇨ there but for the grace of God at ↑ grace 1 (6), ⇨ in the lap of the gods at ↑ lap 1 (6), ⇨ play God at ↑ play 1 (8), ⇨ thank God/goodness/heavens at ↑ thank (2)

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■ verbs

▪ believe in God

Do you believe in God?

▪ pray to God

They prayed to God for forgiveness.

▪ worship God (=show love and respect for God)

Hinduism tells everyone to worship God in his own faith.

▪ praise God

They came to the church to praise God.

▪ God exists

I believe that God exists.

■ phrases

▪ belief/faith in God

About one-third of the population has no belief in God.


Her faith in God helped her deal with her illness.

▪ God’s will/the will of God (=what God wants to happen)

He believed it was God’s will that they should suffer.

▪ Almighty God/God Almighty (=used to emphasize God's power)

He swore by Almighty God to tell the truth.

▪ the word of God (=what God says)

Missionaries traveled the world to tell people the word of God.

▪ a gift from God

Life is a gift from God.

▪ God’s existence/the existence of God

Philosophers argued about the existence of God.

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▪ god a male spirit or being who is believed by some religions to control the world or part of it, or who represents a particular quality:

Odin was the Viking god of war.

▪ goddess a female god:

Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon

▪ deity a god. Deity is more formal than god :

a Hindu deity


Roman deities


the Supreme Deity

▪ idol a picture or statue that people pray to as a god:

a bronze idol

■ someone who does not believe in God

▪ atheist noun , adjective someone who believes that God does not exist:

I’m a confirmed atheist.

▪ agnostic noun , adjective someone who believes that people cannot know whether God exists or not:

He was an agnostic rather than an atheist.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.