Meaning of MOORE in English

I. Moore, Bobby /mʊəʳ/ BrE AmE

(1941–93) a British football player, considered one of the greatest English players ever, who played for the English national team and led the team that won the ↑ World Cup in 1966.

II. Moore, De ‧ mi /dəˈmiː/ BrE AmE

(1962–) a US film actress known for being sexually attractive. Her films include Ghost (1990) and Indecent Proposal (1992). She was married to the actor Bruce Willis for a number of years.

III. Moore, Dud ‧ ley /ˈdʌdli/ BrE AmE

(1935–2002) a British musician, film actor, and ↑ comedian , known especially for making humorous television programmes in Britain with Peter Cook. His films include 10 and Arthur . He was also known for playing the piano.

IV. Moore, Gordon BrE AmE

(1928–) a US scientist and businessman who started the ↑ Intel computer company. In the 1960s and 1970s he said that the power of the ↑ silicon chip would double every 18 months. This idea seemed impossible at the time, but turned out to be true, and is now known as Moore's Law.

V. Moore, Henry BrE AmE

(1898–1986) a British ↑ sculptor considered by many people to be the most important British sculptor of the 20th century. He is known for his large, partly ↑ abstract ↑ sculpture s of people, especially women, lying down.

VI. Moore, Mar ‧ i ‧ anne /ˌmæriˈæn/ BrE AmE

(1887–1972) an American poet and ↑ critic , known for her clever and ↑ satirical poems

VII. Moore, Ma ‧ ry Ty ‧ ler /ˈme ə ri ˈtaɪləʳ/ BrE AmE

(1936–) a US film and television actress and ↑ producer , known especially for appearing in several popular humorous television programmes, such as The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970–77)

VIII. Moore, Michael BrE AmE

(1954–) a US writer and film director. He has directed several films, including the documentaries (↑ documentary ) Bowling for Columbine (2002), for which he won an Oscar, Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004), and Sicko (2007). Moore also wrote the book Stupid White Men . He is known for saying exactly what he thinks, sometimes in a humorous way. He strongly criticizes the ways that rich people in American politics and ↑ corporation s think and behave.

IX. Moore, Patrick BrE AmE

(1923–) a British ↑ astronomer (=person who studies the stars) who has written books and presented The Sky at Night , a television programme which has been broadcast every month since 1957. He is very popular, and famous for his fast speech and untidy hair. His official title is Sir Patrick Moore.

X. Moore, Roger BrE AmE

(1928–) a British film and television actor, known especially for appearing in films such as Live and Let Die (1973) and For Your Eyes Only (1981) as the character James Bond, and on television in the programme The Saint (1963–68). He has also done a lot of work for UNICEF. His official title is Sir Roger Moore.

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