Meaning of WOMAN in English

wom ‧ an S1 W1 /ˈwʊmən/ BrE AmE noun ( plural women /ˈwɪmɪn/)

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ woman , ↑ womanhood , ↑ womankind , ↑ womanizer , ↑ womanizing , ↑ womanliness ; adjective : ↑ womanly , ↑ womanish ; verb : ↑ womanize ]

[ Language: Old English ; Origin: wifman , from wif ( ⇨ ↑ wife ) + man 'person' ]

1 . FEMALE PERSON [countable] an adult female person:

I was talking to a woman I met on the flight.

married women

a popular women’s magazine

When a woman is pregnant, the levels of hormones in her body change.

woman priest/doctor etc (=a priest etc who is a woman)

Ireland’s first woman president

women artists

2 . ANY WOMAN [singular] formal women in general:

A woman’s work is never done (=used to say that women have a lot to do) .

3 . businesswoman/spokeswoman etc a woman who has a particular kind of job:

Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher

4 . another woman/the other woman informal a woman that a man is having a sexual relationship with, even though he is married to someone else:

I’m sure he’s got another woman.

5 . be your own woman to make your own decisions and be in charge of your own life, without depending on anyone else

6 . PARTNER [singular] spoken a word meaning a wife or girlfriend, which many women find offensive:

Did he bring his new woman with him?

⇨ ↑ kept woman

7 . FORM OF ADDRESS [uncountable] old-fashioned not polite a rude way of speaking to a woman when you are angry, annoyed etc

8 . SERVANT [countable] a female servant or person who does cleaning work for you in your house ⇨ cleaner , daily help

⇨ ↑ old woman , ⇨ make an honest woman (out) of somebody at ↑ honest (8), ⇨ be a woman of the world at ↑ world 1 (21)

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▪ woman a female adult person:

a young woman with dark brown hair

▪ lady a polite word for a woman – used especially when you do not know the woman, or when the person you are talking to does not know the woman:

A glass of white wine please, for this lady here.


The young lady stood up and shook my hand.

▪ girl a young female person – usually used about someone younger than about twenty:

a very pretty girl


teenage girls

▪ female formal a woman – used especially when you are giving information about women, for example in formal surveys and reports:

Females account for 46% of Internet users.

■ relating to women

▪ female relating to women or girls:

female voters


Advertisers try to sell things by using images of the female body.

▪ feminine used about qualities that are considered to be typical of women:

You must not cry or show any other feminine weakness.


the ideal of feminine beauty

▪ womanly behaving, dressing etc in a way that is thought to be typical of or suitable for a woman – used to show approval:

her womanly figure


the womanly virtues of compassion and patience

▪ girly/girlie informal behaving or dressing in a way that is thought to be typical of young girls, or suitable for a girl – often used disapprovingly:

Stop being so girly! It's only a mouse!


a very girlie pink dress

▪ effeminate disapproving a man who is effeminate looks or behaves like a woman:

His long blonde hair made him look rather effeminate.


a pale effeminate-looking young man

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.