Meaning of CROWD in English


Pronunciation: ' krau ̇ d

Function: verb

Etymology: Middle English crouden, from Old English cr ū dan; akin to Middle High German kroten to crowd, Old English crod multitude, Middle Irish gruth curds

Date: before 12th century

intransitive verb

1 a : to press on : HURRY b : to press close <the players crowd ed around the coach>

2 : to collect in numbers

transitive verb

1 a : to fill by pressing or thronging together <a room crowd ed with children> b : to press, force, or thrust into a small space

2 : PUSH , FORCE ― often used with off or out < crowd a person off the sidewalk>

3 a : to urge on b : to put on (sail) in excess of the usual for greater speed

4 : to put pressure on <don't crowd me, I'll pay>


6 : to press or stand close to <the batter was crowd ing the plate>

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