Meaning of CROWD in English

[crowd] vb [ME crouden, fr. OE crudan; akin to MHG kroten to crowd, OE crod multitude, MIr gruth curds] vi (bef. 12c) 1 a: to press on: hurry b: to press close

2: to collect in numbers ~ vt 1 a: to fill by pressing or thronging together b: to press, force, or thrust into a small space

2: push, force--often used with off or out 3 a: to urge on b: to put on (sail) in excess of the usual for greater speed

4: to put pressure on "don't ~ me, I'll pay"

5: throng, jostle

6: to press or stand close to

[2]crowd n (1567) 1: a large number of persons esp. when collected together: throng

2. a: the great body of the people: populace b: most of one's peers "follow the ~"

3: a large number of things close together

4: a group of people having something (as a habit, interest, or occupation) in common "in with the wrong ~" syn crowd, throng, crush, mob, horde mean an assembled multitude usu. of people. crowd implies a close gathering and pressing together "a small crowd gathered". throng strongly suggests movement and pushing "a throng of reporters". crush emphasizes the compactness of the group, the difficulty of individual movement, and the attendant discomfort "a crush of fans". mob implies a disorderly crowd with the potential for violence "an angry mob outside the jail". horde suggests a rushing or tumultuous crowd "a horde of shoppers". [3]crowd n [ME crowde, fr. MW crwth] (14c) 1: an ancient Celtic stringed instrument that is plucked or bowed--called also crwth

2. dial Eng: violin

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