Meaning of DIVIDE in English


Pronunciation: d ə - ' v ī d

Function: verb

Inflected Form: di · vid · ed ; di · vid · ing

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin dividere, from dis- + -videre to separate ― more at WIDOW

Date: 14th century

transitive verb

1 a : to separate into two or more parts, areas, or groups < divide the city into wards> b : to separate into classes, categories, or divisions < divide history into epochs> c : CLEAVE , PART <a ship dividing the waves>

2 a : to separate into portions and give out in shares : DISTRIBUTE < divide profits> b : to possess, enjoy, or make use of in common < divide the blame> c : APPORTION < divide s her time between the office and home>

3 a : to cause to be separate, distinct, or apart from one another <fields divided by stone walls> b : to separate into opposing sides or parties <the issues that divide us> c : to cause (a parliamentary body) to vote by division

4 a : to subject (a number or quantity) to the operation of finding how many times it contains another number or quantity < divide 42 by 14> b : to be used as a divisor with respect to (a dividend) <4 divide s 16 evenly> c : to use as a divisor ― used with into < divide 14 into 42>

intransitive verb

1 : to perform mathematical division

2 a (1) : to undergo replication, multiplication, fission, or separation into parts (2) : to branch out b : to become separated or disunited especially in opinion or interest


– di · vid · able \ - ' v ī -d ə -b ə l \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.