Meaning of FALSE in English


Pronunciation: ' fo ̇ ls

Function: adjective

Inflected Form: fals · er ; fals · est

Etymology: Middle English fals, faus, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French, from Latin falsus, from past participle of fallere to deceive

Date: 12th century

1 : not genuine < false documents> < false teeth>

2 a : intentionally untrue < false testimony> b : adjusted or made so as to deceive < false scales> <a trunk with a false bottom> c : intended or tending to mislead <a false promise>

3 : not true < false concepts>

4 a : not faithful or loyal : TREACHEROUS <a false friend> b : lacking naturalness or sincerity < false sympathy>

5 a : not essential or permanent ― used of parts of a structure that are temporary or supplemental b : fitting over a main part to strengthen it, to protect it, or to disguise its appearance <a false ceiling>

6 : inaccurate in pitch <a false note>

7 a : based on mistaken ideas < false pride> b : inconsistent with the facts <a false position> <a false sense of security>

8 : threateningly sudden or deceptive <don't make any false moves>

synonyms see FAITHLESS

– false · ly adverb

– false · ness noun

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