Meaning of FINE in English


Function: adjective

Inflected Form: fin · er ; fin · est

Etymology: Middle English fin, from Anglo-French, from Latin finis, noun, end, limit

Date: 13th century

1 a : free from impurity b of a metal : having a stated proportion of pure metal in the composition expressed in parts per thousand <a gold coin .9166 fine >

2 a (1) : very thin in gauge or texture < fine thread> (2) : not coarse < fine sand> (3) : very small < fine print> (4) : KEEN <a knife with a fine edge> (5) : very precise or accurate <a fine adjustment> <trying to be too fine with his pitches> b : physically trained or hardened close to the limit of efficiency ― used of an athlete or animal

3 : delicate, subtle, or sensitive in quality, perception, or discrimination <a fine distinction>

4 : superior in kind, quality, or appearance : EXCELLENT <a fine job> <a fine day> < fine wines>

5 a : ORNATE 1 < fine writing> b : marked by or affecting elegance or refinement < fine manners>

6 a : very well <feel fine > b : ALL RIGHT <that's fine with me>

7 ― used as an intensive <the leader, in a fine frenzy, beheaded one of his wives ― Brian Crozier>

– fine · ness \ ' f ī n-n ə s \ noun

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