Meaning of GUT in English


Pronunciation: ' g ə t

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English guttas, plural; probably akin to Old English g ē otan to pour

Date: before 12th century

1 a (1) : BOWELS , ENTRAILS ― usually used in plural (2) : the basic visceral or emotional part of a person b : ALIMENTARY CANAL also : part of the alimentary canal and especially the intestine or stomach c : BELLY , ABDOMEN d : CATGUT

2 plural : the inner essential parts <the gut s of a car>

3 : a narrow passage also : a narrow waterway or small creek

4 : the sac of silk taken from a silkworm ready to spin its cocoon and drawn out into a thread for use as a snell

5 plural : fortitude and stamina in coping with what alarms, repels, or discourages : COURAGE , PLUCK


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