Meaning of PATRIARCH in English


Pronunciation: ' p ā -tr ē - ˌ ärk

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English patriarche, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin patriarcha, from Greek patriarch ē s, from patria lineage (fr. patr-, pat ē r father) + -arch ē s -arch ― more at FATHER

Date: 13th century

1 a : one of the scriptural fathers of the human race or of the Hebrew people b : a man who is father or founder c (1) : the oldest member or representative of a group (2) : a venerable old man d : a man who is head of a patriarchy

2 a : any of the bishops of the ancient or Eastern Orthodox sees of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem or the ancient and Western see of Rome with authority over other bishops b : the head of any of various Eastern churches c : a Roman Catholic bishop next in rank to the pope with purely titular or with metropolitan jurisdiction

3 : a Mormon of the Melchizedek priesthood empowered to perform the ordinances of the church and pronounce blessings within a stake or prescribed jurisdiction

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