Meaning of RACE in English


Pronunciation: ' r ā s

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English ras, from Old Norse r ā s; akin to Old English r ǣ s rush

Date: 14th century

1 chiefly Scottish : the act of running

2 a : a strong or rapid current of water flowing through a narrow channel b : a watercourse used industrially c : the current flowing in such a course

3 a : a set course or duration of time b : the course of life

4 a : a contest of speed b plural : a meeting in which several races (as for horses) are run c : a contest or rivalry involving progress toward a goal <pennant race >

5 : a track or channel in which something rolls or slides specifically : a groove (as for the balls) in a bearing ― see ROLLER BEARING illustration

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.