Meaning of SHOOT in English

n. shoot for

point and shoot

run and shoot

shoot the works

shoot the shit

shoot the breeze

shoot oneself in the foot

shoot one's cuffs

shoot one's bolt

shoot from the hip

shoot at

shoot down

shoot 'em up

shoot out

shoot the chutes

shoot up

turkey shoot

wedge shot

angle shot

bank shot

big shot

booster shot

cheap shot

chip shot

combination shot

dolly shot

draw shot

drop shot

dunk shot

establishing shot

follow shot

foul shot

hook shot

jump shot

long shot

by a long shot

moon shot

mug shot

one shot

passing shot

penalty shot

set shot

shot in the dark

shot in the arm

like a shot

a shot

shot clock

shot hole

shot put

shot putter

slap shot

split shot

tracking shot

wood shot

wrist shot

hip shooting

shooting gallery

shooting guard

shooting iron

shooting script

shooting star

shooting stick

wing shooting

call the shots

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.