Meaning of BIT in English

[bit] n [ME bitt, fr. OE bite act of biting; akin to OE bitan] (14c) 1 a (1): the biting or cutting edge or part of a tool (2): a replaceable part of a compound tool that actually performs the function (as drilling or boring) for which the whole tool is designed b pl: the jaws of tongs or pincers

2: something bitten or held with the teeth: a: the usu. steel part of a bridle inserted in the mouth of a horse b: the rimmed mouth end on the stem of a pipe or cigar holder

3: something that curbs or restrains

4: the part of a key that enters the lock and acts on the bolt and tumblers

[2]bit vt bit.ted ; bit.ting (1583) 1 a: to put a bit in the mouth of (a horse) b: to control as if with a bit

2: to form a bit on (a key) [3]bit n [ME, fr. OE bita; akin to OE bitan] (bef. 12c) 1: a small quantity of food; esp: a small delicacy

2. a: a small piece or quantity of some material thing b (1): a small coin (2): a unit of value equal to 1/8 of a dollar "four ~s"

3: something small or unimportant of its kind: as a: a brief period: while b: an indefinite usu. small degree, extent, or amount "a ~ of a rascal" "every ~ as powerful" c (1): a small part usu. with spoken lines in a theatrical performance (2): a usu. short theatrical routine "a corny comedy ~"

4: the aggregate of items, situations, or activities appropriate to a given style, genre, or role "rejected the whole ~ about love-marriage-motherhood --Vance Packard" -- a bit : somewhat, rather "the play was a bit dull" -- a bit much : a little more than one wants to endure -- bit by bit : by degrees: little by little [4]bit n [binary digit] (1948) 1: a unit of computer information equivalent to the result of a choice between two alternatives (as yes or no, on or off)

2: the physical representation of a bit by an electrical pulse, a magnetized spot, or a hole whose presence or absence indicates data

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