Meaning of COUNT in English

[count] vb [ME, fr. MF conter, compter, fr. L computare, fr. com- + putare to consider] vt (14c) 1 a: to indicate or name by units or groups so as to find the total number of units involved: number b: to name the numbers in order up to and including "~ ten" c: to include in a tallying and reckoning "about 100 present, ~ing children" d: to call aloud (beats or time units) "~ cadence" "~ eighth notes"

2. a: consider, account "~ oneself lucky" b: to record as of an opinion or persuasion "~ me as uncommitted"

3: to include or exclude by or as if by counting "~ me in" ~ vi 1 a: to recite or indicate the numbers in order by units or groups "~ by fives" b: to count the units in a group

2: to rely or depend on someone or something "~ed on his parents to help with the expenses"

3: add, total "it ~s up to a sizable amount"

4: to have value or significance "these are the people who really ~" -- count heads or count noses : to count the number present -- count on : to look forward to as certain: anticipate "counted on winning"

[2]count n (14c) 1 a: the action or process of counting b: a total obtained by counting: tally

2. archaic a: reckoning, account b: consideration, estimation 3 a: allegation, charge; specif: one separately stating the cause of action or prosecution in a legal declaration or indictment "guilty on all ~s" b: a specific point under consideration: issue

4: the total number of individual things in a given unit or sample obtained by counting all or a subsample of them "bacteria ~"

5. a: the calling off of the seconds from one to ten when a boxer has been knocked down b: the number of balls and strikes charged to a baseball batter during one turn "the ~ stood at 3 and 2" c: score "tied the ~ with a minute to play"

6: a measurement of the thickness or fineness of yarn by determining the number of hanks or yards per pound it produces [3]count n [ME, fr. MF comte, fr. LL comit-, comes, fr. L, companion, one of the imperial court, fr. com- + ire to go--more at issue] (15c): a European nobleman whose rank corresponds to that of a British earl

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