Meaning of DATE in English

[date] n [ME, fr. OF, ultim. fr. L dactylus--more at dactyl] (14c) 1: the oblong edible fruit of a palm (Phoenix dactylifera)

2: the tall palm with pinnate leaves that yields the date

[2]date n [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL data, fr. data (as in data Romae given at Rome), fem. of L datus, pp. of dare to give; akin to L dos gift, dowry, Gk didonai to give] (14c) 1 a: the time at which an event occurs "the ~ of his birth" b: a statement of the time of execution or making "the ~ on the letter"

2: duration

3: the period of time to which something belongs

4. a: an appointment to meet at a specified time; esp: a social engagement between two persons that often has a romantic character b: a person with whom one has a usu. romantic date

5: an engagement for a professional performance (as of a dance band) -- to date : up to the present moment [3]date vb dat.ed ; vt (15c) 1: to determine the date of "~ an antique"

2: to record the date of: mark with the date 3 a: to mark with characteristics typical of a particular period b: to show up plainly the age of

4: to make or have a date with ~ vi 1: to reckon chronologically

2: originate "a friendship dating from college days"

3: to become dated -- also adj -- n

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