Meaning of DISPUTE in English

[dis.pute] vb dis.put.ed ; dis.put.ing [ME, fr. OF desputer, fr. L dispu tare to discuss, fr. dis- + putare to think] vi (13c): to engage in argument: debate; esp: to argue irritably or with irritating persistence ~ vt 1 a: to make the subject of disputation b: to call into question "her honesty was never disputed"

2. a: to struggle against: oppose "disputed the advance of the invaders" b: to contend over "both sides disputed the bridgehead" -- dis.put.able adj -- dis.put.ably adv -- dis.put.er n

[2]dis.pute n (1608) 1 a: verbal controversy: debate b: quarrel

2. obs: physical combat

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