Meaning of DORMANT in English

[dor.mant] adj [ME, fixed, stationary, fr. MF, fr. prp. of dormir to sleep, fr. L dormire; akin to Skt drati he sleeps] (1500) 1: represented on a coat of arms in a lying position with the head on the forepaws

2: marked by a suspension of activity: as a: temporarily devoid of external activity "a ~ volcano" b: temporarily in abeyance yet capable of being activated 3 a: asleep, inactive b: having the faculties suspended: sluggish c: having biological activity suspended: as (1): being in a state of suspended animation (2): not actively growing but protected (as by bud scales) from the environment--used of plant parts

4: associated with, carried out, or applied during a period of dormancy "~ grafting" syn see latent

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