Meaning of FEATHER in English

[feath.er] n [ME fether, fr. OE; akin to OHG federa wing, L petere to go to, seek, Gk petesthai to fly, piptein to fall, pteron wing] (bef. 12c) 1 a: any of the light horny epidermal outgrowths that form the external covering of the body of birds and that consist of a shaft bearing on each side a series of barbs which bear barbules which in turn bear barbicels commonly ending in hooked hamuli and interlocking with the barbules of an adjacent barb to link the barbs into a continuous vane b: plume c: the vane of an arrow

2. a: plumage b: kind, nature "birds of a ~ flock together" c: attire, dress d: condition, mood

3: feathering 2

4: a projecting strip, rib, fin, or flange

5: a feathery flaw in the eye or in a precious stone

6: the act of feathering an oar -- feath.ered adj -- feath.er.less adj -- a feather in one's cap : a mark of distinction: honor

[2]feather vb feath.ered ; feath.er.ing vt (13c) 1 a: to furnish (as an arrow) with a feather b: to cover, clothe, or adorn with or as if with feathers

2. a: to turn (an oar blade) almost horizontal when lifting from the water at the end of a stroke to reduce air resistance b (1): to change the angle of (airplane propeller blades) so that the chords become approximately parallel to the line of flight; also: to change the angle of airplane propeller blades of (an engine) in such a manner (2): to change the angle of (a rotor blade of a rotorcraft) periodically in forward flight

3: to reduce the edge of to a featheredge

4: to cut (as air) with or as if with a wing

5: to join by a tongue and groove ~ vi 1: to grow or form feathers

2: to have or take on the appearance of a feather or something feathered

3: to soak in and spread: blur--used of ink or a printed impression

4: to feather an oar or an airplane propeller blade -- feather one's nest : to provide for oneself esp. while in a position of trust

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