Meaning of HURT in English

[hurt] vb hurt ; [ME, prob. fr. OF hurter to collide with, prob. of Gmc origin; akin to ON hrutr male sheep] vt (13c) 1 a: to inflict with physical pain: wound b: to do substantial or material harm to: damage "the dry summer has ~ the land"

2. a: to cause emotional pain or anguish to: offend b: to be detrimental to: hamper "charges of graft ~ my chances of being elected" ~ vi 1 a: to suffer pain or grief b: to be in need--usu. used with for "~ing for money"

2: to cause damage or distress "hit where it ~s" syn see injure -- hurt adj -- n

[2]hurt n (13c) 1: a cause of injury or damage: blow

2. a: a bodily injury or wound b: mental distress or anguish: suffering

3: wrong, harm

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