Meaning of KNIFE in English

[knife] n, pl knives often attrib [ME knif, fr. OE cnif, perh. fr. ON knifr; akin to MLG knif knife] (bef. 12c) 1 a: a cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade fastened to a handle b: a weapon resembling a knife

2: a sharp cutting blade or tool in a machine

3: surgery 4--usu. used in the phrase under the knife -- adj

[2]knife vb knifed ; vt (1865) 1: to use a knife on; specif: to stab, slash, or wound with a knife

2: to cut, mark, or spread with a knife

3: to try to defeat by underhanded means

4: to move like a knife in "birds knifing the autumn sky" ~ vi: to cut a way with or as if with a knife blade "the cruiser knifed through the heavy seas"

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