Meaning of OBSERVE in English

[ob.serve] vb ob.served ; ob.serv.ing [ME, fr. MF observer, fr. L observare to guard, watch, observe, fr. ob- in the way, toward + servare to keep--more at conserve] vt (14c) 1: to conform one's action or practice to (as a law, rite, or condition): comply with

2: to inspect or take note of as an augury, omen, or presage

3: to celebrate or solemnize (as a ceremony or festival) in a customary or accepted way

4. a: to watch carefully esp. with attention to details or behavior for the purpose of arriving at a judgment b: to make a scientific observation on or of

5: to come to realize or know esp. through consideration of noted facts

6: to utter as a remark ~ vi 1 a: to take notice b: to make observations: watch

2: remark, comment syn see keep -- ob.serv.ing.ly adv

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