Meaning of POLL in English

[poll] n [ME pol, polle, fr. MLG] (14c) 1: head

2. a: the top or back of the head b: nape

3: the broad or flat end of a striking tool (as a hammer)

4. a (1): the casting or recording of the votes of a body of persons (2): a counting of votes cast b: the place where votes are cast or recorded--usu. used in pl. "at the ~s" c: the period of time during which votes may be cast at an election d: the total number of votes recorded "a heavy ~"

5. a: a questioning or canvassing of persons selected at random or by quota to obtain information or opinions to be analyzed b: a record of the information so obtained

[2]poll vt (14c) 1 a: to cut off or cut short the hair or wool of: crop, shear b: to cut off or cut short (as wool)

2. a: to cut off or back the top of (as a tree); specif: pollard b: to cut off or cut short the horns of (cattle) 3 a: to receive and record the votes of b: to request each member of to declare a vote individually "~ the assembly"

4: to receive (as votes) in an election

5: to question or canvass in a poll

6: to test (as several computer terminals sharing a single line) in sequence for messages to be transmitted ~ vi: to cast one's vote at a poll -- poll.ee n -- poll.er n

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