Meaning of RUNNER in English

[run.ner] n (14c) 1 a: one that runs: racer b: base runner c: ballcarrier

2. a: messenger b: one that smuggles or distributes illicit or contraband goods (as drugs, liquor, or guns)

3: any of several large active carangid fishes

4. a: either of the longitudinal pieces on which a sled or sleigh slides b: the part of a skate that slides on the ice: blade c: the support of a drawer or a sliding door

5. a: a growth produced by a plant in running; esp: stolon 1a b: a plant that forms or spreads by means of runners c: a twining vine (as a scarlet runner)

6. a: a long narrow carpet for a hall or staircase b: a narrow decorative cloth cover for a table or dresser top

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