Meaning of TROT in English

[trot] n [ME, fr. MF, fr. troter to trot, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG trotton to tread, OE tredan] (14c) 1 a (1): a moderately fast gait of a quadruped (as a horse) in which the legs move in diagonal pairs (2): a jogging gait of a human that falls between a walk and a run b: a ride on horseback

2: an old woman

3: a literal translation of a foreign text

4. pl: diarrhea

[2]trot vb trot.ted ; trot.ting vi (14c) 1: to ride, drive, or proceed at a trot "the fox trotted over the knoll"

2: to proceed briskly: hurry ~ vt 1: to cause to go at a trot

2: to traverse at a trot [3]trot n (1883): trotline; also: one of the short lines with hooks that are attached to it at intervals

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