Meaning of TWITCH in English

[twitch] vb [ME twicchen; akin to OE twiccian to pluck, OHG gizwickan to pinch] vt (14c): to move or pull with a sudden motion: jerk ~ vi 1: pull 1a, pluck "~ed at my sleeve"

2: to move jerkily: quiver -- n

[2]twitch n (1523) 1: an act of twitching; esp: a short sudden pull or jerk

2: a physical or mental pang

3: a loop of rope or strap that is tightened over a horse's lip as a restraining device

4. a: a short spastic contraction of the muscle fibers b: a slight jerk of a body part -- adv -- twitchy adj [3]twitch n [alter. of quitch] (1598): quack grass

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