Meaning of VEST in English

[vest] vb [ME, fr. MF vestir to clothe, invest, fr. L vestire to clothe, fr. vestis clothing, garment--more at wear] vt (15c) 1 a: to place or give into the possession or discretion of some person or authority; esp: to give to a person a legally fixed immediate right of present or future enjoyment of (as an estate) b: to grant or endow with a particular authority, right, or property "the retirement plan ~s the workers absolutely with the company's contribution after

10. years of continuous employment"

2: to clothe with or as if with a garment; esp: to robe in ecclesiastical vestments ~ vi 1: to become legally vested

2: to put on garments; esp: to put on ecclesiastical vestments

[2]vest n [F veste, fr. It, fr. L vestis garment] (1613) 1 archaic a: a loose outer garment: robe b: clothing, garb

2. a: a man's sleeveless garment for the upper body usu. worn under a suit coat; also: a similar garment for women b: a protective usu. sleeveless garment (as a life preserver) that extends to the waist c: an insulated sleeveless waist-length garment often worn under or in place of a coat 3 a chiefly Brit: a man's sleeveless undershirt b: a knitted undershirt for women

4: a plain or decorative piece used to fill in the front neckline of a woman's outer garment (as a waist, coat, or gown) -- adj

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