Meaning of EXPORT in English

I. ek-ˈspȯrt, ˈek-ˌ verb

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin exportare, from ex- + portare to carry — more at fare

Date: 15th century

transitive verb

1. : to carry away : remove

2. : to carry or send (as a commodity) to some other place (as another country)

intransitive verb

: to export something abroad

• ex·port·abil·i·ty (ˌ)ek-ˌspȯr-tə-ˈbi-lə-tē noun

• ex·port·able ek-ˈspȯr-tə-bəl, ˈek-ˌ adjective

II. ˈek-ˌspȯrt noun

Date: 1671

1. : something exported ; specifically : a commodity conveyed from one country or region to another for purposes of trade

2. : the act of exporting : exportation

the export of wheat

III. ˈek-ˌ adjective

Date: 1795

: of or relating to exportation or exports

export duties

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.