Meaning of PACKAGE in English

I. ˈpa-kij noun

Date: 1611

1. archaic : the act or process of packing


a. : a small or moderate-sized pack : parcel

b. : a commodity or a unit of a product uniformly wrapped or sealed

c. : a preassembled unit

3. : a covering wrapper or container

4. : something that suggests a package: as

a. : package deal

b. : a radio or television series offered for sale at a lump sum

c. : contract benefits gained through collective bargaining

d. : a ready-made computer program or collection of related software

e. : a travel arrangement contract that offers for a fixed price transportation, accommodations, and often sightseeing and entertainment

f. : a collection of related items ; especially : one to be considered or acted on together

presented his tax package to the nation

II. transitive verb

( pack·aged ; pack·ag·ing )

Date: 1921


a. : to make into a package ; especially : to produce as an entertainment package

b. : to present (as a product) in such a way as to heighten its appeal to the public

2. : to enclose in a package or covering

• pack·ag·er noun

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.