Meaning of IN in English

Synonyms and related words :

a la mode, access, adit, advanced, air lock, among, an in, approach, at, avant-garde, by, chic, clout, contemporary, corridor, drag, entering, entrance, entranceway, entree, entry, entryway, far out, fashionable, favor, favorable regard, fellow feeling, forward-looking, friendly relations, from, gangplank, gangway, good graces, good terms, good understanding, goodwill, hall, harmony, herein, in favor, in with, inbound, incoming, inflooding, inflowing, influence, ingoing, ingress, ingressive, inlet, inpouring, inside, inside of, intake, into, intrusive, invasive, inward, inward-bound, inwardly, inwards, irruptive, means of access, mod, modern, modernistic, modernized, modish, mutual regard, near, newfashioned, next to, now, on, on good terms, on speaking terms, open arms, open door, opening, passage, passageway, present-day, present-time, progressive, rapport, regard, respect, streamlined, swank, swish, sympathy, therein, to, toward, trendy, twentieth-century, ultra-ultra, ultramodern, up-to-date, up-to-datish, up-to-the-minute, vestibule, way, way in, way out, with, with-it, within

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