Meaning of PERFORMANCE in English

Synonyms and related words :

Philharmonic concert, accomplished fact, accomplishment, accordance, achievement, acquittal, acquittance, act, acta, acting, action, adherence, administration, adventure, agency, aping, appearance, attainment, baccalaureate service, band concert, behavior, benefit, bill, blow, bringing to fruition, buffoonery, business, cantando, care, carrying out, celebration, ceremonial, ceremony, chamber concert, characterization, commencement, commission, completion, compliance, concert, conduct, conformance, conformity, consummation, convocation, coup, dealings, debut, deed, demeanor, demilegato, demonstration, deportment, direction, discharge, dispatch, display, doing, doings, driving, dumb show, effectiveness, effectuation, efficacy, effort, embodiment, empty formality, enacting, enactment, endeavor, engagement, enterprise, entertainment, execution, exercise, exercises, exhibit, exhibition, exploit, exposition, exposure, expression, fait accompli, farewell performance, feat, fingering, flesh show, formal, formality, fruition, fulfillment, function, functioning, gag, gest, gig, glissando, go, graduation, graduation exercises, ham, hammy acting, hand, handiwork, handling, heed, heeding, hoke, hokum, imitation, impersonation, implementation, inaugural, inauguration, incarnation, initiation, interpretation, intonation, job, keeping, legato, liturgy, management, maneuver, manipulation, masquerade, measure, mezzo staccato, mimesis, mimicking, mimicry, miming, mission accomplished, move, mummery, music-making, musical performance, musical program, observance, observation, occupation, office, opening, operancy, operation, ostentation, overacting, overproduction, overt act, pantomime, pantomiming, parlando, passage, patter, performing, perpetration, personation, personification, philharmonic, pianism, pizzicato, play, playacting, playing, pop concert, pops, popular concert, portrayal, posing, practice, premiere, presentation, presentment, proceeding, production, productiveness, program, program of music, projection, prom, promenade concert, realization, recital, religious ceremony, rendering, rendition, repercussion, representation, res gestae, respect, responsibility, retrospective, rite, rite de passage, rite of passage, ritual, rubato, running, satisfaction, scene, service, service of music, show, showing, slapstick, slur, solemnity, solemnization, spiccato, staccato, stage business, stage directions, stage presence, stage presentation, steering, step, stroke, stunt, success, swan song, symphony concert, taking a role, theatrical performance, thing, thing done, touch, tour de force, transaction, tryout, turn, undertaking, unfolding, unfoldment, unveiling, varnishing day, vernissage, work, working, workings, works

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